stair chair: a chair for the stair


graduation is over. now I need some time to ‘recover’. I found a nice photo of one of my prototypes of my modus operandi collection. one of my fellow students used it to sit on it during lunch. we called it ‘stair chair’. any buyers? this graduation made me poor. : )


3 thoughts on “stair chair: a chair for the stair

  1. The idea is awesome. Simple and clear design. But the chair seems quite unstable. If you are distracted or something , you can fall down pretty easy. :neutral:

  2. Ciekawy pomysl z tymi krzeslami, przed chwila je zobaczylem na Dezeen. Zajmuje sie sztuka bardziej tradycyjna-ilustracja, ale i tam mi sie podobaly
    a odnosnie bloga -nie wyswietlaja mi sie poprawnie emotikony, ale moze to dlatego, ze uzywam Linuxa.