beta tank: portable is different, isn’t it?


beta tank the design practice which is based in berlin and london has presented their new product called ‘memory stücks – stone’ during the dmy in berlin. basically it is ‘a limited edition of memory pieces which bond the tangible physical with the ephemeral digital’.

memory-stuecks-by-beta tank

memory stücks – stone
beta tank, 2009

DIY: rotational moulding machine


I visited the new designers show last month. design students andrew duffy, craig tyler and edward harrison from the university of rochester presented a minature rotational moulding machine.

the DIY (do It yourself) rotation moulding machine is built to replicate the industrial process to help further understand its possibilities. it was built at no cost from scrap materials and simply powered by a cordless drill. one of them told me that they just invested 5 pounds for the machine. what a bargain.

