made in china: the cardboard set

yesterday we were making a movie set from cardboard. now I will show how it looked like. take a look on a bunch of actors, non actors, wannabes, friends and people from the street who have fun (hey, I had a huge chain saw in my hand and lost an arm) and who are curious how daniel van hauten‘s movie will be at the premier on june, 26th in the lumiere maastricht.

matthias tarnath (got the ‘mini pistol’), me (afraid of losing an arm), kay macke (with the killer cat’s paw), bert smeets (terror musician), louise oguli (the hot jungle amazon)- ready to fight!

matthias tarnath, me, bert smeets, louise oguli – can we survive?

minghao ‘ming’ xu – director of photography

daniel van hauten – director & minghao ‘ming’ xu

theo pfeifer, leading part in ‘made in china’

louise oguli knows how to use a weapon

kay macke with his transformer costume

cardboard: just in case you should get bored, we’re enclosing a little something for you to make

my friend, daniel van hauten, is making a movie for his graduation (of course it’s a film – he is studying video) we worked the hole night to prepare the set for one scene. all elements are printed out in black & white and glued to paperboard. it was a lot of work but there was some fun in between. unfortunatly the xxl bazokka wasn’t dry yet. this thing is huge! even bigger than me. here are some snapshots of that night.

osama band

If you want a job done well hire a professional

the black princess disaster

osama-cook-for-me /><br />
he is back with his own cookery show (some gay support included)</p>
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				<span class="entry-date"><a href="" title="11:02 AM" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2008-05-28T11:02:14+02:00" pubdate>2008/05/28</time></a></span><span class="by-author"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Matylda" rel="author">Matylda</a></span></span>			</div><!-- .entry-meta -->
						<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to transport: excuse me, but there is a huge stick coming out of your car" rel="bookmark">transport: excuse me, but there is a huge stick coming out of your car</a></h1>

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			<p>new situations need new solutions. it’s not easy to transport a 4 m roll of pvc floor. that was a funny ride through maastricht. </p>
<p><img src=


kunsttour maastricht: 2 day get-together

2 days of art (and design): 24 + 25 may, 2008 = kunsttour

till kramer – till tomorrow, graphic design

maasterclass shop – go there and shop!

nina grunenberg – palms, cakes and everyday stuff

brigitta van drie – pschological gangbang

bright and beautiful – linda maissan

I’m not just some bimbo with tits

kaat waterschoot – realistic oil paintings like gerhard richter (obviously the theme is different)

berg & kather – sounds of silver (fashion)

mireille gromowski at lbb

the wonderful world of disscoia‘ at kumulus theater

yvonne laufer + catarina vasconcelos actors from ‘the wonderful world of disscoia

film reel swimming

luxe paarden in actie: 2nd edition – the review

thanks to all people who joined our event on top of the gulf station in maastricht. for everybody who doesn’t know any word in dutch: ‘luxe paarden in actie’ means: ‘luxury horses in action’ – we had a lot of horses and we are the action.

to sell.








norbert verboeket

laszlo rozsnoki


till kramer


happy miriam hartwig and me, a day after the event

luxe paarden in actie: press release – event is in couple hours

I am so tired – it’s 3 am and we are still busy with arranging the event (to be honest, we started 3 days ago. everything is very spontanious but going well). but there is still some power left for a post:

the second edition is meant to give people the chance to experience maastricht’s hidden personality in a special public location. the social qualities of a living space are translated and rearranged. different personal furniture of different local households are merged together to perform the setting of the night while revealing their origin to the visitors.

we, miriam hartiwg and myself, decided to set up the event at the glass pavilion on top of the gulf gas station, next to the A2. the location is one of the first buildings people would see driving into maastricht. regarding the space we will provide the opportunity to socialise and to express creativity. In doing so, the visitor becomes a part of the event.

we welcome the guests, at the opening, 22 may 2008 at 7pm to be a part of the get-together and to enjoy the night with a perfect panorama view on the highway.

before: at 5 pm

luxe paarden in actie
after: at 10 pm

luxe paarden in actie: preview 2nd edition

there is a 2nd luxe paarden in actie event coming up. after a sucessful exhibition at our appartment (in march) we decided to do the next in an off location (our neighbours are happy). between 22 and 23 may 2008 we are presenting an event of ‘personal space’. we decided to set up an event at the glass pavilion on top of the gulf gas station. the location is one of the first buildings people would see driving into maastricht. regarding the space we will provide the opportunity to socialise and to express creativity. join us tomorrow night! it’s one day before the kunstour. it would be a pleasure to host you! (the event starts at 7pm)

viaductweg 27
next to the A2 highway

luxe paarden in actie invitation

luxe paarden in actie poster

gas station
the location

the location