stephen davids: build your own niche




SAD ring – stephen’s initials – I just forgot to ask what ‘a’ stands for

my first encounter with stephen davids was in july. me and a friend were visiting london for the new designers exhibition. along the way we checked out some other areas in london. we passed the f-art gallery on cheshire st and I saw a rare arne jacobsen teapot which made me enter the gallery. inside I found a little space brimming with loads of stuff. I asked the black guy with the gold-plated teeth if I can take a picture of the teapot and he answers:’ if you buy it, you can take one’. he smiles. then I ask him about who is doing the drawings and he answers: ‘me!’ I left the gallery and the only thing in my mind was:’ I should come back and talk to this guy!’


drawings inspired by the jazz combo nicholas brothers and boxing – 2 of stephen’s passions


kieth haring‘s baby rocker by Vilac, 40ies chairs and other precious objects


draw yourself


describe yourself


draw your favourite product


black, thick, graphite pen

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